Update 3 launch date and pricing
Without further ado, we’re excited to announce that Update 3 will be launching on May 20, 2025!
We know many of you have been eagerly awaiting news, and we truly appreciate your patience. After Update 2, we dedicated a month to fixing bugs and making improvements, and since then, we’ve been going full throttle to bring you something truly special.
This update is massive. It includes 1.5 DLCs worth of content plus a complete UI overhaul, making it feel almost like Captain of Industry 2. Many teams wouldn’t even attempt a full rewrite of core infrastructure, whether it was the terrain system in Update 2 or the UI in Update 3, mid-project. But for us, making COI the best it can be is something we are proud to strive for. As a small indie team, we’re working tirelessly to make that happen, and we can’t wait for you to experience it in May!
Update 3 will be fully compatible with your current saves. Ensuring this wasn’t easy, but we put in the extra effort because we know how much time and dedication many of you have invested in your factories. We want you to be able to continue right where you left off while enjoying all the new features.
Price Change We will also be increasing the price of the game from $29.99 to $34.99 (with a similar percentage increase for other currencies). This price change will take effect one month before Update 3 launches, as otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to offer a discount during the Update 3 launch.
We’re adjusting the price due to rising development costs and because we continue to add substantial content to the game. Update 3 brings trains, a space program, offices, new production chains, a complete UI overhaul, and more - like I said, it’s 1.5 DLCs worth of free content. And this is not our last update.