《Death of a Wish》是《梦境天堂》的续作,中文译名为《梦碎之境》。在游戏中,克里斯蒂安联合其他被困在梦境天堂中的个体,共同对抗一个新的威胁势力。《梦碎之境》拥有更精炼、更激烈的战斗系统,并采用了更具电影感的叙事方式。《梦碎之境》同样获得了来自英文媒体的高度评价,其中一些媒体甚至称其为“可能是有史以来最优秀的动作游戏之一”。
- Added multi language support. The following languages are fully implemented:
Chinese Traditional
Chinese Simplified
Some more languages are in the game but not yet properly tested, If you want to help with translation and get featured in the credits, join the discord!
There is now support for 5 new languages, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian. However they may be errors. Non Latin characters tend to go way too fast and might be too hard to read. There will be a redo of the dialogue system later on so it will be fixed. Many non English people try to play so I figured it was better to add it in now than have nothing.